
1958   Norman Industries starts manufacturing of convex mirrors which are used as shoplifting deterrence.

1972   Paul Gulczynski starts in security industry as a technician.

1982   Janusz M. Sochacki accepts his first position in alarm industry.

1986   Paul Gulczynski joins Norman Industries. Upon completion of UL and FM listed Central Monitoring Station, Norman Industries is renamed Norman Security Systems, Inc.

1999   e.Norman Security Systems, Inc. (eNSS) is incorporated as commercial security integrator with Paul Gulczynski as CEO and General Manager.

2004   Paul Gulczynski becomes President of eNSS.

2004   Janusz M. Sochacki joins eNSS as Vice President, Director of Sales.

2004   eNSS moves to 1075 Shore Road in Naperville, Illinois, its current location.

2021   eNSS starts offering Access-Control-as-a-Service (ACaaS) solutions.

2021   eNSS joins Security-Net

2021   eNSS joins PSA